7 Easy Games Ideas for your kid’s Birthday Party Celebration

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When you plan to throw a party, then a lot of things have to be arranged in the right way. And when it is your kid’s birthday party, then it will be essential to take care of everything like decoration, guest’s engagement, cake, gifts and more. If you are planning to organize your kid’s party, then you have to think about some games that will keep the guests busy. Here are the 7 easy games ideas for your kid’s birthday party celebration:

kid's Birthday Party Games Ideas

1] Prize Walk

This is an amazing game and a perfect game option for the kids between 2 to 4 years. When you think about a game, then you must know how to play it because as a host, you have to explain all the instruction to the kids. If you are considering the prize walk game for your party. Then you have to prepare the square chart with a number from 1 to 30 and then you have to stick the entire square chart on the ground. After that, you have to prepare a small chit with the same number. Now you have to ask the kids that when the music stops, then they have to stand at one number. After that, a host has to take out the slip and which number comes in the slip then a kid with the same number will win a prize.

2] Photo Scavenger Hunt

This is one of the best games which is suitable for all age people. But the difficulty level will vary with the age of the kids. You can keep the simple version for the young kids and a little bit difficult for the elder kids. But don’t forget to keep the gifts with every clue, it will appreciate and motivate the kids to complete the game as well as they will enjoy the game a lot.

3] Musical Chairs

It is the game for all age people, whether it’s a kid, teenagers or adult. This games option is perfect for every party. When you arrange this game, then you have to keep the number of chairs as per your guests. If you are keeping a game for the kids, then it will be good to keep the small chairs, so they can play the game nicely. You can also look for the online birthday gift delivery; there are many online portals available for the gifts.

4] Three-Legged Race

When it comes about engaging the kids, then it is very important to select the right game that they will enjoy a lot. If you have a good space, then you can arrange some outdoor games. The three-legged race is one of the best games for the kids. But this game is the right choice for the medium age kids because small kids are unable to perform it well. In this, two kids will walk as one team, and you have to tie a leg of two kids, so it will be considered one leg. That means, with the three legs they have to run and win the race. The winner of the race will get the prize.

5] Wacky Dice

It is one of the best games for young age kids. It is a fun game; the guest can play this game with a roll of a big size cardboard dice. So the guests have to perform the same thing or motion that is writing on the cube. You can write different things on a cube, for example, “slither like a snake” and “Robot dance” and more. It will be great fun and your guests will enjoy a lot.

6] Who/What Am I?

It is really a great game for the guests, and it will engage your guests. In this, each guest will have a name of a person that will be taped on the forehead or back. So each person gets to ask the number of questions (you can decide some questions) to figure out who is he or she.

7] Fox and Hen Game

It is a wonderful game for the kids, you have to ask the kids to sit in a circle, and you need two toy animals that will represent the hen and fox. Now you have to give each toy item to the kid on the opposite side of the circle and then pass the hen and fox to see if the fox can catch up with the hen. To make the party more interesting, you can look for the birthday cake delivery online option.

These are the 7 east games ideas for your kid’s birthday party celebration. You can easily execute these games at any party.

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