A Beginner’s Guide To Slip And Fall Accidents In 2021

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Although it’s sad but true, that many people get injured just by slipping and falling. Moreover, it’s not always the fault of the victim who was harmed in the accident. Slip and fall accidents can happen to anybody and anywhere. In such a situation, it’s better to take the right action instead of worrying about it.

Even if it’s not your mistake, you need to be accountable and get yourself treated and file for a slip and fall claim. According to a notable Los Angeles slip and fall lawyer, buildings, workplaces, walkaways must be properly maintained for safety. However, if you slip and fall, you will get compensation for your medical bills, time off work, and more.

Things to Know About Slip and Fall Cases

This article will take you through the right steps you need to take after getting injured due to a slip and fall accident. You should talk to a personal injury lawyer if the case is more serious.

1.     Get Yourself a Medical Treatment

First and foremost, you should go to a doctor and seek medical treatment. No matter who it is, whether you or your loved ones, health is the top priority. The doctor will treat you and prescribe you medicines. In case of major injuries, the doctor may do minor surgeries.

Apart from treatment, you need a medical report for medical compensation. It will act as evidence for any legal claim due to the slip and fall case. Next, you should report the accident.

2.     Report the Accident

Once you get treated, you should promptly report it to the right person. No matter where does the slip and fall accident happens, whether it’s your workplace, or inside a retail store, or on a sidewalk, you should report to your boss, or the store manager, or landlord.

Don’t just tell them; get the details of the accident in writing. Request the individual to provide you a copy of the writing before you leave the place.

3.     Prepare the Document

Documents are the proof that will help you get compensation for the injury. No matter where you fall, try to collect the name, address, and email of as many witnesses as possible. More importantly, don’t forget to take a picture of the exact location where you fall.

Clearly mention what you were doing just before you fell down, what was the situation, time, and location. You can also separately keep the shoes, clothes you were wearing at that time because they might work as pieces of evidence.

4.     Decline to Give Statements

After the accident, don’t communicate much with your landlord or property manager, or boss. Try to limit your communication and remain calm after the accident. Moreover, don’t post about the incident on social media.

Apart from that, you should decline to give any statement to the insurance company without consulting a lawyer. Also, you shouldn’t blame anyone and accept that it’s your fault if you were asked.

5.     Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer

Finally, don’t hesitate to consider hiring a personal injury lawyer to get the best compensation. Sometimes the slip and fall accidents are complex, and you may not prove to the insurance company that it’s not your fault.

So, the best way to file for compensation or claim is to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer. Consider other factors such as pricing, locality, client reviews before you hire an attorney. 

The Bottom Line

Hopefully, the above information has helped you to know about slip and fall accidents. Also, the article includes the details on what steps you should take and how to deal with the insurance company. Additionally, don’t hesitate to consult a lawyer who can help and assist you during such an incident. Please share this information with your friends and family to make them aware of how to respond when they meet a slip and fall accident.

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