Building a Home Video Wall for Gaming
Gaming is an art slowly perfected over time. Some of the world’s best professional gamers took years to practice to get good at what they do. Additionally, gaming is also an activity that promotes family bonding. As you challenge each other or compete, you will spend quality time with your kin, making you closer.
Therefore, having a video game at home is one of the best things you could do for your family. Thus, if you are looking to build a home video wall for your family right at home, this post will share invaluable insights.
First up, here are some merits of having a home video wall:
- Improves the gaming experience
As compared to single screens or monitors, video walls consist of small screens linked together to form one large screen. Therefore, large screens are pleasing to the human eye as they bring about a better gaming experience.
- Offers better resolution
The fact that the large screen consists of small screens linked together brings about better resolution. The images are much more visible, and the colour is brought out nicely. Thus, you cannot go wrong with a home video wall.
1. Planning
The first step towards this goal is planning. Planning is always a vital component of every project. While setting up your video wall is possible, even if you are not a professional, it is always advisable to seek help. Professionals know much more details about these walls and will give you tips on how to complete the job quickly and efficiently.
However, if you do not know any professional that can help you, here are some insights:
- Make a budget- a budget is a valuable item when gaming. There are many components involved, and each one of them will require to be purchased. Therefore, you must factor in the labour costs, transportation and the parts themselves.
- Deciding on a location-picking location is also one of the initial steps towards setting up your wall. You must also decide how much space you require for the video wall. Therefore, the best location should have minimal lighting that will not create viewing interference. Additionally, how much space you have will play a role in determining which type of screens to install?
2. Purchasing the components
Before you make any purchase, make visits to shops to determine which offers the best price for their items. Additionally, you must consider the resolution before making any purchases from the store.
Further, viewing distance may also influence the experience while gaming. Thus if you go for the best quality in resolution for your screen, it will compensate for the viewing distance that may affect the player in a negative manner.
Furthermore, the screens should be of equal sizes to ascertain the uniform distribution of the images and video wall.
The screen should also be able to respond speedily. During a game, the user may want to pause and change the settings. Therefore, a slow screen may affect the user experience negatively.
Also, slow screens may result in a glitched game because it is not responding quickly to changes in action by the player. LED and LCD screens have the best resolution and performance.
Lastly, purchase high-quality video sound cards for an optimal experience.
3. Building the wall
Setting up the wall is relatively easy if you do things right. A complete setup comprises screens programmed for single use. Thus, do the configuration and calibration with accurate variations.
The results of improperly setting up a wall are far-reaching, and you may end up damaging the mount.
After properly mounting the screens, you should then connect the wires. Typically, it will be best to use HDMI, VGA or DVI.
Each monitor should have its own set of ports, therefore consider each monitor on its own while setting up the wiring.
4. Connection
Setting up a proper connection for your wall might need a professional’s services. Various models of monitors have their own mounting ports and apparatus.
Here are some standard connections that you may use:
- Video wall controller
Here, the connection inbox has one input and multiple outputs. The video box distributes the signals, and they are sent to the connected devices once a configuration is complete.
It is a simple way to set up the connection and not use up much of your time.
- Graphics boards
The graphics boards are recommended for pro gamers. That is because they offer the best image output as compared to other connection strategies.
It comprises a graphic box with many graphic cards connected to a specific screen. However, as much as it produces the best resolution, you can use it with ordinary or professional screens.
- Daisy chain
Here, certain connections like the HDMI are made to the first monitor before proceeding to configure the rest of the screens. Therefore, a screen’s position will help determine the type of connection it will be configured with.
This particular connection may need professional assistance because a serial connection must be established across all the screens beginning from one monitor with only one type of connection.
5.Configure your software
After successfully installing the monitors and configuring each with a suitable connection, it is now time to configure your video wall software for gaming.
First up, you must configure the desktop. If you are using a windows laptop or desktop, go to the on-sign TV windows app and follow the prompts from there.
It will guide you on each step of configuring your desktop so that you can control certain functions of the gaming software from it.
After following the above steps, you are all good to go.
Tips for creating the perfect video game room:
- Install a high-quality sound system
Sound dramatically affects the quality of the game. The user experience is primarily influenced by how well or poorly the sound system is set up. Therefore, you need to have good speakers to make the gaming environment more immersive. You should consider a surround sound system that will help you immerse yourself completely in the game.
- Pick a sizeable room for the wall
Space is everything when you are picking a room for the wall. You do not want a scenario where the seat is too close to the wall; thus, you are struggling to look forward. Therefore, you will also need to consider creating a cabinet space to accommodate your console or your laptop.
Additionally, be wary of choosing larger rooms because they will have poor acoustics. That will then negatively affect the surround sound that plays a crucial role in making the game immersive. Pick a room that has just enough space.
- Soundproof the room
Some gamers get too immersed in the game that they forget the volume is too loud. That can affect people living in the next rooms or even houses. Therefore, to prevent this sort of disturbance and noise pollution, soundproof the gaming room.
Installing drywall or foam structures that insulate the room from noise can be a great idea.
- Pick the proper lighting
A gaming room must have the proper ambience to improve the gaming experience. The appropriate lighting would be a coloured LED strip to give the room a facelift when lit. The goal is to have a dim but not too dark room because the light from the screen may damage your eyes.
Wrapping up
A great home video wall has all the essential elements appropriately balanced out. High quality LED and LCD screens with the best resolution and a surround sound system will spice up the user experience. That is not all; you should consider getting a stable internet connection in your gaming room. That will hand you the ability to play games that have multiplayer options.