How to set up your new bow sights

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So you just received your new bow sights and are ready to set it up. In this article, we will take you to step by step through the process we use to configure our ties. We will also use some videos that we have created to help you start shooting. This is assuming that you are REPLACING an existing view. If it is a new arc, you must ensure that your arrow rest is installed and tuned and that your peep and d-loop are also configured correctly.

Mount your view and configure 2nd and 3rd axis:

Begin by mounting your sight on the arch using the screws provided with your sight. I would use the medium mounting screws, or if it is a dovetail,lock it towards the middle of the bar.

Here is a great video Steve did to explain how to set up his second and third axis. It is important that your second and third axes are correct before continuing.

Align your peep with the sight housing:

The next step is to align your gaze with the casing of your sight. In full raffle look through your eyes at the sight of your home. Can you see the whole house in sight? Can you only see the pins? Ideally, you want the visual ring to be precisely aligned within your peep when you see it in plain sight.To make adjustments, you will want to move the sight housing closer or farther away from the hoist using the different mounting positions of the view or by moving the view on its dovetail. If you can’t get an exact match, the error on the side that has the sight sees the outside of the viewing ring and the inside. Also do this on the outside if you are filming primarily on the outside,or do this indoors if you are mainly going to be filming indoors. This is important because in a low light situation (indoors) you will see much more area around the view through the housing, and it could affect the way it is aligned.

The configuration of your top pin:

When you place your top pin, we will place the pin where we want it in relation to the sight housing. When we see it, we will adjust the top pin with the elevation adjustment of the crew, but we will do it later.

Before configuring your top pin, you’ll want to consider a couple of things. Keep in mind that it is ideal to have most of your pins near the center of the sight housing for the best overall accuracy.

• If you have 5 or more pins, you should make sure you have enough space for all your pins. In this case, I would put my top pin closer to the top third of the shell.

• If you have fewer pins, you can start lowering your top pin, closer to the center of the view, leaving room for the rest of your pins.

Zero out of your sight:

To reset your view, simply move the slider so that it is somewhere you can reach later without looking at the tape. For some sights, this could be where the housing is aligned with the base or for Black Gold sights; it could be when the 2 upper parts of the slide assembly are flush. This will be your zero points. If you ever lose your tape, or its indicator goes off, you can always move the knob back to this location and know that your fixed pins will be correct.

Go to the range and look in your pins:

Look on your top pin but do not move your pin. Move the entire casing up and down with your crew’s setting. Or use your gang micro adjustment, to see your top pin.

Finish seeing the rest of your pins, this time; however, you will want to move the pins to position them.

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