Warning Signs That Your Drains Are Collapsed

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The water and drainage system is a crucial part of any property. Collapsed drains can cause a lot of issues structurally, and pose a potential health hazard too.

A collapsed drain isn’t always easy to spot, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Leaving the problem for too long can lead to additional expenses when it comes to repairs. A licensed plumber can accurately diagnose a collapsed drain and work to repair them.

So what are the signs that you have a collapsed drain on your property?

Damp Walls & Floors

When a drain collapses, excess water is able to seep into the ground around your property. If you begin to notice signs of dampness on the walls and floors, then this could be the source. Without repair, this dampness can cause both structural and superficial damage to your home, as well as bad for your respiratory health.

Damp Lawn

If the grass around your property is consistently damp, no matter what the weather has been like, then this could be due to water leaking from collapsed drains and draining into the land around your property.

Sewage Backups

If you’ve ever experienced a sewage backup, you know how unpleasant it can be. Your first thought might be that there is something blocking the pipes, but it can be caused by a collapsed drain too. As the pipes are pushed out of alignment, it can cause build-up, which will eventually lead to sewage backup. A licensed plumber can accurately diagnose a collapsed drain as the source of your backup.


When water fails to drain properly, it can cause humidity levels to rise, leading to mold. Not only does this look and smell bad, but it’s also not good for your health either.

Sunken Areas In Your Yard

Uneven areas in the ground around your property can be caused by additional water from a collapsed drain. This causes the soil to start shifting and can appear as sunken areas of grass or paving stones.

Slow Drains

If you begin to notice your sinks and bathtubs aren’t draining as fast as they used to, then you should initially use an unblocker to remove any build-up or blockages that might be causing this. If this doesn’t work, then it could indicate a larger problem with the wider drainage system. A survey of your drains will identify the cause.

Foul Odours

Noticing an unpleasant smell that won’t go away when you disinfect your sinks/toilets? This is a strong sign that water and sewage are escaping from the drainage system somewhere.

Rapidly Growing Grass

Lawns thrive on regular watering. If yours is looking particularly lush, despite you never watering it, then it’s getting additional water from somewhere. This could be leaking from a collapsed drain and into the soil around your home.

Rat Infestations

Cracked and broken pipes give rodents the ideal opportunity to escape into your property from the sewerage system.

Insect Infestations

If you thought rats could squeeze through small holes, insects can get through even smaller ones. These cracks coupled with damp and humid conditions are the ideal environment for insects to thrive and infest your home.

Cracks & Structural Damage

In many properties, the main drainage runs directly underneath. If the collapse occurs in this section, then it can lead to cracks appearing along the walls and floors. Always contact a licensed plumber to diagnose a collapsed drain rather than trying a superficial repair. If these structural damages aren’t caught early, they can cause a lot of damage to your foundations and the structure of your home.

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