Affordable Health Cover Plans For Individuals And Families
Expensive medical treatments have been a big worry for the patient and their loved ones and insurers are coming up with great solutions for the same. Let’s get to know what are the affordable health cover plans available as well as their benefits.
For long, people have been looking for a solution that can take care of their health-related issues at a cheaper price. Today, health insurance plans are being offered from different providers to help interested buyers with their specific treatment requirements. The American insurance marketplace is filled with insurers offering tailored plans for different requirements of potential buyers with various additional benefits. In this article, we are going to talk about the affordable insurance plans as well as their benefits for individuals and families in America.
Benefits Offered
Protection Against Diseases: The offered plans provide protection against all the major illnesses and disorders that include but aren’t limited to Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Osteoporosis, Cancer, Arthritis, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Diabetes, Oral Health, Eating Disorders, Tobacco-Related Conditions, Local IMPACT Project, Obesity as well as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Syndrome.
Affordable Premiums: These plans are offered at a premium little higher than Medicaid plan but lower than the private health care plans providing a good option for those who can’t qualify for Medicaid but need a cheap health coverage for themselves and their loved ones.
Coverage For Additional Services: Under this benefit, the insured receives a cover against various treatment-related services such as ambulance services, Dialysis (kidney) services & supplies, Emergency department services, Diabetes supplies & services, Chronic care management services, Dental services, Chiropractic services, and other related services.
Insurance Plans Offered
Short-Term Plan
These are the plans that provide the required protection to the dependents in the family. Parents may look for such plans when kids need protection for a very short period such as one to three months.
Sometimes, parents wait until their employer offers a group health insurance plan that will cover every member of the family. Also, there may be scenarios when parents are waiting for CHIP enrollment to open and need the protection till that happens.
Under these plans, the providers offer a cover for all major diseases and disorders in kids at affordable prices. These plans are for a period as short as 30 days and parents can choose any term period as per their convenience.
The offered plans are a great option if they are at least 2 years or older and couldn’t get enrolled in Obamacare or CHIP insurance. If the parents are looking for cheap health insurance but the kids don’t qualify for an ACA subsidy, then also these plans can be considered. The benefits come into the effect immediately and the kids get the protection as soon as the very next day.
Major Medical Plan
The offered plans are introduced for the situations when parents don’t want permanent protection but need a health cover for a longer period. In the scenarios when parents want the protection for more than 90 days, they can get health insurance quotes for these plans.
Here, they receive coverage against all major diseases and disorders as well as no-cost preventive care services. This preventive care provides various beneficial services that include but aren’t limited to pediatric, vision and oral care at no additional cost. However, these plans are little expensive and Obamacare can be a better option if the child qualifies for the same.
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
These are the plans made for the families who don’t qualify for the Medicaid plans but can’t afford private insurance. Under these plans, the children receive protection against a range of serious and terminal diseases. Also, these plans offer a number of beneficial services that include but aren’t limited to hospitalization, emergency services, ambulatory patient services, rehabilitative services, maternity and newborn care, substance abuse care, prescription drugs, behavioral health treatment, mental health care, laboratory services, chronic disease management, preventive and wellness services, pediatric services as well as oral and vision care.
The Children’s Health Insurance Program is the right option for kids if someone is looking for an affordable plan and can get coverage under the special enrollment period. Different states may have their own eligibility criteria and interested parents should inquire at their nearest center for the same.