How to Edit PDF Files Like a Pro

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Being able to edit and write on a fillable PDF template is a necessary skill in the modern workforce, as it is the primary documentation type used in a number of different white-collar fields. While many people are used to working with PDFs and other types of documents, some are new to writing and editing PDF documents and templates. While it is not difficult to edit a PDF file, there are some things to know that can help anyone become more proficient; moreover, learning and developing this valuable skill will not only help you, but also the company or other institution you work with.

Choosing the best PDF editor

The first step in editing a PDF document is to have all of your tools prepared, and the main tool that is needed for editing a PDF is of course a PDF editor. There are several great tools and resources online, so many, that it becomes difficult to choose which one is best. So how does one decide on a PDF editor? There are many things to look for when selecting an online PDF editor and the first and most obvious is probably price. There are different costs with the differing levels of tools provided within the editor. There are many great free editors but these can sometimes have other issues such as potential misuse of data so be careful. Also, check which tools you might need before selecting an editor. If you only need a basic editor then many of the major PDF editors offer a free version that can be very useful. While there are many PDF editors available, there are some larger ones that are widely used.

One of the most popular PDF editors is Lumin PDF. Lumin PDF has many of the features that are needed for most businesses and schools and it does have a free version. The biggest asset with Lumin PDF is that it works directly with Google and Google Drive. This is awesome if you are on the go or working remotely (as many of us have been) and need to edit a document outside the office. So with Lumin PDF, there is an adaptability advantage for many people. In addition to this, it has all of the main features of a standard PDF editor.

Adobe Acrobat is probably the most widely used and most well-known PDF editor, it is often a default PDF editor for many people, and while it can be used to edit and write on PDF templates, it does have some drawbacks. The biggest negative about Adobe Acrobat is the price which can be unreasonable to private users. For a company with a larger budget it could be a great option as it has many tools; however, for an individual user who just wants to edit a PDF document for a one-time function then Adobe Acrobat might not be the best PDF editor.

Another great online PDF editor is SmallPDF which works best for those who do not need an expansive PDF editing service for more complicated tasks. SmallPDF gets its name from its relatively barebones offering which supports basic editing services but does not have as many features or tools as Adobe Acrobat. The price element with SmallPDF is also a potential issue but it really depends on the needs of the document as to whether or not SmallPDF is for you. 

There are of course many different editing services available online or for download, but these are some of the more popular ones available. Once you have chosen your editor it’s time to edit your document or fill in whatever information is required. Remember though, to always check what you have written.

Edit your edits!

Regardless of how and which online utility you used to edit your PDF, there are always opportunities to improve a final version of a document. This is why it is important to edit your edits. Editing a PDF is taking a PDF template and editing it and/or filling it in as needed. To make sure you have done this correctly though, it is good to go back and look at what you have written or changed in the document as other people are likely to see what you have done and if it is for a contract then there might be special financial and legal ramifications for not editing properly.

Editing and proofreading a document can be time-consuming but it bears fruit since having everything perfect in a document can save you from some embarrassment (as well as money) so looking over all the little details is needed. While it might be tempting to read over everything immediately, it is best when possible to leave it aside for a while and look it over with fresh eyes as you will be more likely to find mistakes that way. Also, there are some PDF editors that can edit your filled-in template after you have completed it. Having checked and rechecked everything, it is now time to finalize and finish your document.

Saving and organizing your hard work

Isn’t it awful to spend a long time working on something only to lose it? This can happen if you do not save your document. Many PDF editors do have an autosave feature but that can still mean it does not pick up the most recent changes or different versions you might want to keep. So always save your work when you have finished editing. In addition to this, always keep your work and files organized in easy-to-find locations and folders. Clearly labeled documents can save you from the issue of frantically searching for a file that might be needed at a later date.

Once you have edited and saved your work, you are all finished! It is nice to have completed a project even if it is a smaller one. Some PDF documents such as contracts will require a signature to be valid so be sure not to forget this if you are working with a contract PDF template. Being able to edit a PDF file is a needed skill in just about any industry these days so with this knowledge, you will be able to better contribute to your profession.

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