Women Do Mistakes in Relationship
If you want to make your relationship stronger, healthier and happier, we strongly recommend that you read this article carefully.
1. Are you crazy when he speaks or just looks at other women
As a man, I can say with confidence that it is our nature to look at beautiful women. If you are jealous or angry because of this, then this is just an indicator of your insecurity. If you feel increasing jealousy from the fact that your man is among other women, you need an overestimation of the values in your relationship. First, increase your self-esteem. A man will never cheat on a woman who is confident in herself and in him. Secondly, you need to think about the issues of trust between you. Moreover, you have to decide whether you really trust him?
Perhaps he specifically makes you jealous (or is he really trying to change you). Hack yourself on the nose – if a man really wants to go to the left, he will NEVER do this before your eyes. Thus, if you see that he is communicating with another woman, it means that he is simply communicating with her, that’s all.
Jealousy is superfluous, destroying the feeling from inside, unnecessary excitement in your head You yourself understand that if he wants to change, he will change whether you are jealous of him or not. All your zealous attacks in his direction can completely cut your hope for a happy relationship. So, do you really want to spend time on something that is absolutely meaningless when there are other things in the world that are truly worthy of your attention?
Be sure of yourself, be sure that the person you love has no reason for you to change. If he changes, then this is HIS loss, not yours. Any man who is cheating on you or is cheating is simply an indication that your relationship initially stepped on the wrong road. There is no chance. And your first thought should be “Thank God that this has happened now, and not even later.”
2. You limit his personal space.
If your boyfriend is in a bad mood, or he doesn’t want to talk to you now – just leave him alone. Men are not women, and we think differently. Most of us do not like to discuss our problems, as you love. We will rather keep everything in ourselves. So do not try, shake and talk your boyfriend, better leave him alone. Otherwise, all this can result in a serious quarrel or separation.
3. You relaxed
This is probably one of the most common reasons why men leave or start thinking about treason. Like many women, thinking that since they are already in a relationship, they relax and stop caring for themselves in an elementary way – not to shave their legs, forget about visiting a beauty salon, etc. For your information, you should continue to take care of yourself, even if you have a permanent man, if only because he wants to see a beautiful woman next to you.
4. You have no social life outside relationships
Do anything, just don’t turn into that woman whose meaning of life is relationships. Don’t be the one who forgets about her friends, and remembers them, only when she has problems with her boyfriend. This not only suppresses men, but also makes them think that you look pitiful – and that certainly will not interest anyone.
5. You are passively aggressive.
Separate trait that most women have, and this makes us mad. When your man asks you what happened, and you say “nothing”, but at the same time you continue to whine and wait for him to ask you further, then you simply risk to cause him a sea of negative emotions. He will soon ask you again, because he KNOWS that you are upset, but if you continue to do so from day to day, then sooner or later everything will reach the bar where he will fall apart and just spit on you going on To avoid this is very simple – if you have problems or you are not satisfied, tell him directly!
6. You find fault with him
No one is perfect, do you know? And even your boyfriend is not perfect. Constant reminders that he is doing something wrong are not an effective way to influence him. Do you want him to change? Start with “I love it when you …”.
7. You do not appreciate him.
Stop paying attention to the fact that he does something wrong or does not do it at all. Focus on what he does. Praise him for that. The more praise he receives from you, the more chances you get from him more love and understanding.
8. You have a nagging old lady syndrome.
This is the main factor that repels men. I am a positive person, and I would not like to see a young lady next to me who whines / grunts / nagging 24/7. We men know that you have bad days, but not every damn day! Believe me, no one wants to communicate with the person from whom the rushing is negative. Try to be more positive. This will not only help improve relationships, but also make your life happier.
Worse than the constant grumbling only blame the man that he is the cause of your bad mood. Suppose he did something when you are no longer in the mood. And when he makes another mistake, you enter even more into a rage. You take out all your anger on it. This is worse than your permanent negative.
I have friends who have complained more than once that they have done nothing wrong, however, have caused their girl’s bad mood for a whole week. And by that moment, when the girl’s mood had returned to normal, something wrong had happened again, and the young lady was again out of sorts. As a result, all my friends who met with such girls, safely parted with them. And yes, you can blame just yourself, if you act the same way, and he decides to leave you.
9. You try to change it.
Many girls start a relationship with a man, already noticing his flaws, but in every possible way hope that they can fix them. This is fundamentally wrong, and in general is a great impetus to break off relations. Since you have already loved him, then be so good, accept him as he is, and do not try to reshape a living person as you feel comfortable.
For minor blunders such as white socks with black shoes – just be neat and soft. There is no need to harshly criticize him or make him feel like an idiot. Try to say it in such a way that he feels that you care for him, and this will inspire him to positive changes. Make him appreciate your opinion, not hate him.
10. You don’t love him the way he wants
Every person feels love in his own way. Many women feel loved when their partner is always ready to help, or when he gives flowers. For men, it may mean nothing. We have our own vision of what love should be, and it is often very different from yours. If you give him the kind of love that you would like to receive yourself, then perhaps he will never feel loved.
Pay attention to how he responds to your actions, and you can figure out what gives him the feeling of your true love. As soon as you find out, keep doing what he likes, constantly. Here’s an example: I like when my girlfriend hugs and kisses me a lot and often likes other men, when they have a good dinner at the end of the day, or even a cup of tea, some men are delighted with massage or sex. Or maybe he just needs your support in a difficult time.
After all, it is not so difficult to find out what he needs. Try to make him a little happier.