How the cloud is changing business

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Cloud computing has completely transformed the world around us and changed what we’ve come to expect from our online services. With the huge increase in use of mobile devices and vastly superior connection speeds, our reliance on remotely-hosted apps and storage solutions in both a business and personal sense is increasing rapidly. 

While just 20 years ago computers were tethered to internal networks and fixed-line internet connections, these days mobile working has become commonplace. Indeed, mobile device use now accounts for more than 50% of all internet access – with the figure growing all the time.

The rollout of 5G across developed nations across the world is expected to herald a new age of mobile computing complemented by cloud computing services.  If your company hasn’t embraced cloud solutions already, here are a few compelling reasons to take up Cloud Computing courses and why you should think about implementing the technology.

Cloud computing saves money

Make no mistake – buying, maintaining and upgrading servers is an expensive business. From the initial outlay of purchasing equipment to ensuring servers are protected and running at optimal levels, the costs associated with running an internal network can soon spiral out of all control – and that’s without accounting for the other unexpected expenses you can encounter with an in-house system.

With dedicated cloud services like those offered by specialist IT company 24×7 IT Solutions, you hand over all these typical running costs to a provider, freeing up your time and money.

freeing up your time and money.

In fact, these dedicated cloud service companies hire cloud computing specialists to take care of all your data storage and maintenance needs. Around 80% of companies have shifted to cloud storage, which is why the number of cloud service companies is also on the rise; hence due to competitive cloud storage pricing, it has become affordable. Further, cloud computing is such a demanding field that the experts who have training in this field are able to easily find lucrative jobs. Learning introduction to cloud computing is helpful if you are looking for a free course that teaches you the basics of clouds so that you can make an informed decision if you would like to dig in further.

Cloud services allow remote, out-of-office hours working

One of the biggest advantages of implementing cloud services is that it allows your employees to work remotely, at any time, on any connected device, in any location with a Wi-Fi signal. Taking a more flexible approach to how employees work has proven a tried-and-tested approach with most companies reporting increased worker job satisfaction and productivity rates. Indeed, as a result of the recent coronavirus lockdowns, Twitter announced its staff will now work from home forever – with Google saying staff won’t have to return to office operations until mid-2021 (at the earliest).

The cloud can automate payroll and improve employee monitoring

Cloud technology can allow companies to monitor employee output and the hours spent on tasks. Most of us realize the hours taken to do a job need not translate directly to actual efficiency. Using staff monitoring systems in the cloud, you can get a precise handle on staff productivity.

Furthermore, automated payroll systems can be used to assess the hours worked by your employees and, if integrated with your online banking, can even be set up to pay staff automatically.

Remote processing in the cloud empowers even lowly devices

Because cloud servers can be used to run software, you can leverage the processing power of remote machines on even the most basic of handheld devices. For example, Adobe’s processor-hungry Creative Suite of software can be used on a very basic cellphone for complex photo or video editing tasks.

Most software providers are now starting to provide cloud-based alternatives to their previous desktop-only apps, allowing users to benefit from the huge power of remote machines as part of their basic software service.

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