Pilonidal Cyst- Stages and treatment
Pilonidal cyst is a painful skin condition that forms at the base of the spine, just near the tailbone. It is a commonly occurring problem that is predominantly in young men. Pilonidal cyst grows gradually, the discomforts and pain also grows with each passing stage.
Let’s look into the different stages of development of pilonidal cyst along with the symptoms associated. This will give you clarity about the seriousness of pilonidal cyst and the necessity of the timely treatment.
3 stages of Pilonidal Cyst/Pilonidal Sinus Disease
Non-infected pilonidal cyst- This is the initial stage of pilonidal sinus wherein the first pit/cyst forms near the natal cleft. The cyst consists of hair, debris and dead skin cells but is not yet infected. The symptoms at this stage are mild and not very discomforting. The person may notice a little pain, soreness and itching around the pilonidal cyst.
Infection in the cyst- The cyst near the tailbone is very much prone to microbial attack. If proper hygiene is not maintained treatment measures are not taken, the cyst gets infected and turns into an abscess. In addition to the aggravation of symptoms, an individual may also notice a pus discharge from the cyst and a foul odor accompanying it.
Formation of a sinus tract- A sinus is an internal tunnel or channel that forms under the skin. The sinus is connected with the cyst on the outer surface and is filled with infectious material. The size of the sinus and its severity upon the patient and whether or not they are taking any curative measures. Long standing conditions of pilonidal sinus can lead to frequent discharge of blood and pus from the sinus through the cyst. Also, by this stage, the condition is painful that the person cannot even sit or stand without enduring pain.
After bringing into light the different stages of pilonidal cyst, let’s look at the treatment options to get rid of pilonidal cyst/sinus.
We will begin with the effective tips and remedies for managing pilonidal cyst and further enlighten you about the laser treatment as a permanent solution.
Tips and remedies to manage pilonidal cyst
- Avoid junk and processed foods and switch to a fiber-rich diet. This will prevent constipation and thus won’t allow the symptoms to aggravate.
- Wear comfortable clothes that are not too tight around the waist or the buttocks. This way, you can prevent any unnecessary friction or rubbing of the cyst against the clothes.
- Do not indulge in any high-intensity exercises. Stick with mild exercises and avoid lifting heavy weights. Try not to indulge in anything that may strain your lower body.
- Keep the affected region clean and dry. Wash the area daily and do not use harsh soaps. Doing so will reduce the risk of infections in the pilonidal cyst.
- Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on the cyst using a cotton ball or a cloth. Tea tree oil has great medicinal properties that soothe the pain and discomforts and promote faster healing of the cyst.
- Try using honey mixed with cinnamon oil topically. Honey is packed with antifungal, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and thus helps in the regeneration of skin tissues in the area.
- If the symptoms worsen, try using sitz baths to alleviate the discomforts and drain the pilonidal cyst. Just mix some Epsom salt in a warm tub and sit in it for about 20 minutes to notice the results.
Pilonidal cyst laser treatment
Unlike any other pilonidal cyst treatment or surgery, laser treatment is least invasive. It may surprise you that there is no involvement of big cuts, excisions, and stitches in the laser surgery. The doctor uses the laser device precisely on cyst affected skin area. The pulses of laser energy are sufficient to expel the infectious substances from the site and completely remove the sinus tract as well. This ensures almost zero chances of recurrence of pilonidal cyst.
Here are the benefits of pilonidal cyst/sinus laser treatment
- Laser treatment provides a permanent solution to the problem of pilonidal sinus.
- The procedure is 100% painless and hassle-free.
- The surgery does not take up a lot of time.
- The patient can return home on the same day and does not need to stay in the hospital for too long.
- Since laser treatment is minimally invasive, there are nil chances of complications after the surgery.
- Laser treatment offers a quick and safe recovery and the patient can get back to normal life in less than a week.
If you are wondering if laser treatment is easily available or not, yes it is! This modern treatment is available in all the metro cities and various tier 2 cities as well. One of the healthcare providers that offer laser treatment is Pristyn Care. Pristyn Care is a fast expanding multispeciality clinic chain that actively provides modern treatments to various medical conditions including pilonidal sinus. It is quite easy to consult one of their specialists by simply booking the online appointment through the website. So, delay no more and speak with an expert to bring your days misery to an end.
Take Away
A person must reach out for medical help as soon as they experience mild discomforts or a pimple like structure near the natal cleft. Ignoring the symptoms for a long time only makes the condition worse. Pilonidal cyst is not something that heals or resolves on its own. Also, being aware of its pesky and recurring nature, the condition requires utmost care and effective treatment for permanent riddance. Now that you also know about the permanent solution, in terms of laser treatment, the decision can be even simpler and well thought out for you.