Is All on 4 Dental Implants Right for You?
Do you have all your teeth? If so, then all-on-4 dental implants might be a good option for you. It is an alternative to traditional dentures and bridges that replaces all missing teeth in one day. The procedure uses four titanium implants that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. But is it right for you? Continue reading to learn all about all on 4 dental implants Brisbane and whether it is a perfect choice for you or not.
Importance of Implant Dentistry
Dental implants have been over for a long period of time, since the 1970s. Implants are surgically placed in your jawbone to give you an anchor tooth replacement. They offer significant relief from embarrassment or discomfort with poorly fitting dentures. That’s because screwing titanium screws into bone encourages its growth which can restore facial aesthetics, making them fully functional. Thus, you can eat and speak normally again.
Dental implants are often the superior treatment for restoring teeth, but they have one major drawback. An individual needs at least ten jawbone-grown units to provide full support to all your tooth’s natural curves and positions. However, this may not always be feasible because it requires enough density in our bone structure before we can receive these procedures or else extensive preparatory work must first occur.
What Exactly Is Bone Loss in Dentistry?
Many people believe that a lack of teeth is the sole cause of bone loss in one’s jaw. However, tooth loss can also lead to significant changes due to gum disease. Severe cases may even result in loose or movable crowns. In all these cases, there will be decreased density leading to thinner skulls and an overall deterioration in appearance.
Dental implants are one of the top treatments for missing teeth because they can support your jaw and give you a beautiful smile. However, these great appliances depend on bone quality. If it becomes too thin or porous, dental implant surgery may not be possible due to a lack of strength. Bone grafts work well as an alternative, but this procedure is far more invasive than using what’s already there, like full vs partial dentures (dentition).
What Can All on 4 Do to Assist You?
All on 4 dental implants can replace a complete set of teeth, and it’s quicker than the conventional procedure. These four titanium plates are strategically placed in your jawbone to optimise the bone-to-implant ratio for those with less density or who have limited space at their upper jaws. In addition, with two angled supports instead of traditional vertical ones like other Implants, all on 4 is more efficient while producing top-notch results.
Final Words
If you have dentures and are considering getting a new set of teeth, all on 4 could be an option for you. The only way to know is by discovering and visiting the best dental office where the experts can assess your suitability with the suitable treatment plan.